Establishing your business starts with choosing a business structure that is appropriate for your business given your industry, size of operation and long-term goals. This may be a sole proprietor, corporation, partnership or not-for-profit organization.
Some businesses operate as a sole proprietor, without any formal legal structure. To get started, we can help you register a trade name for your business to ensure your goodwill is protected.
Other businesses are established as corporations. Our corporate team will work with you to determine which jurisdiction you should incorporate in, whether provincially, extra-provincially, or federally. Once we have incorporated your business, we will provide ongoing legal support, such as clarifying the relationship between shareholders with a Shareholders’ Agreement, and determining how the company is going to be managed.
Growing Your Business
As your business grows, our full service corporate team can assist you with each new opportunity, from financing arrangements, leasing agreements, and sales or purchases of land, equipment or businesses.
For many clients, a commercial lease is one of the most important agreements it will enter into. Our lawyers have extensive experience negotiating commercial leases for both tenants and landlords alike across various types of industries.